Sunday, June 29, 2008

Less than 24 Hours

So it's the day before I leave. I'm sitting at my parents house without a home, a paying job or much left to do before I leave. I think I'm finally starting to feel the true impact of the change in front of me. I'm feeling pretty exhilarated (except for the part of needing a nap!)

It's been a great last week here, I had three really nice parties, one from work, one going away camping trip and a really nice family party. Thanks so much for all of you that attended and for those that sent their best wishes. Thanks Mont for making the surprise journey up to the Bay, and to Summer for making my last week extra special.

I hope I can make everyone proud and do my part at making the world a slightly better place. Next blog should be from Jamaica!


SQL said...

Jason! I didn't realize the big day had come already. Thank goodness Andrea filled me in. I wanted to be sure to wish you well before you embarked on this wonderful journey. Be safe and enjoy the ackee and saltfish! What a great contribution you are making. The kids are going to love you.

courtneyminors said...

car alram insect is called cicadas, comes out about june-july after living underground for 10-17 yrs, they mate, die and a next batch return next yr. surely use a net. and enjoy your stay.